If you are looking for a gift for someone you think should learn a little economics, check out this
new book by Nariman Behravesh. The book lives up to its subtitle: "A No-Nonsense, Non-Partisan Guide to Today’s Global Economic Debates."
Nariman Behravesh is chief economist at Global Insight, the economic analysis and forecasting firm that

evolved from Otto Eckstein's DRI and Larry Klein's Wharton Econometrics. About thirty years ago, Nariman was my boss, when I spent a summer as an intern at the Congressional Budget Office. I learned a lot working for him, and now, through this book, many other people can as well.
As I post this, the book is number 41,218 in the Amazon sales ranking. I hope a little free advertising on this blog manages to improve that a bit. It deserves to be much higher.
Update, same day, about 15 hours later: The book is now up to number 998 at Amazon. A nice demonstration of the power of the blogosphere.
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